Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a widely misunderstood mental health condition. While pop culture often misrepresents OCD as being about perfectionism or liking things orderly, the reality of living with OCD is much more complex. By learning the facts behind this frequently stereotyped disorder, we can better support those affected.
What is OCD?
OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive, distressing thoughts and repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety. Some common obsessions are fears of contamination, doubts about safety, upsetting sexual thoughts, and intrusive images. Compulsions are repetitive acts like washing hands, checking locks, ordering items, and mental rituals like counting or repeating phrases.
Key Facts About OCD:
Affects 1-2% of adults. Common in children too.
Runs in families. Likely has genetic component.
Caused by problems with communication between brain regions.
Diagnosed based on symptoms, not quirks of character.
Ranks in top 10 most disabling medical conditions worldwide.
Often accompanied by depression, anxiety, bipolar, tic disorders.
Treated with therapy like CBT, sometimes medication.
Myth: OCD is Just About Liking Things Neat
Reality: Many people with OCD are not obsessed with cleaning or orderliness. Their symptoms often have nothing to do with tidiness. OCD obsessions and compulsions can be extremely varied.
Myth: OCD Means You're a Perfectionist
Reality: Perfectionism - wanting things done a certain way - is not the same as OCD perfectionism. People with OCD often know their obsessions are irrational but cannot control them. Their goal is reducing anxiety, not perfection.
Myth: People With OCD Just Have Quirky Habits
Reality: For people with OCD, the repetitive rituals are involuntary, time-consuming, and get in the way of daily life. Having quirky habits does not mean someone has OCD.
Myth: OCD Is Mild or Just for Neat Freaks
Reality: OCD ranges from mild to severe, but for many it is disabling and vastly restricts their life. Intrusive thoughts can be extremely disturbing. Sufferers are not just neat freaks.
Myth: OCD Is All About Germs
Reality: While contamination is a common OCD theme, it manifests in many ways like repeating phrases or tapping. Germ obsession is just one possible symptom.
OCD is a challenging condition with a wide variety of symptoms. Increased understanding and support for people living with OCD is crucial. With compassion and proper treatment, those with OCD can find relief and live full lives.